No matter who you are, life brings about plenty of changes, some embraced and others dreaded.
Even the changes we view as positive necessarily involve some element of loss. That is why even exciting life-changers like marriage (changes in identity), a promotion (leaving friends and competence of old job), a baby (sleep!), or a new home (saying good-bye to beloved neighbors, familiar roads, and comforts in
the old homestead) bring with them some incredible stress and struggle. Changes in life status, such as marriage, divorce, unemployment, a new job, having children, caregiving for parents or a spouse, a
new or recurring illness, disability, broken friendships, loss of faith, new faith –to name a few–
can send individuals, couples, and families into intense feelings of overwhelm and bewilderment.
When multiple demands or questionings occur simultaneously, it becomes more difficult to
“get a grip” and move through these transitions.

Working with a therapist can help with finding clarity and new perspective.